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Indulge in our range of bespoke facial treatments, meticulously crafted to cater to a diverse array of lifestyle and beauty concerns. Our Signature Facial Treatments are the pinnacle of our offerings, coveted by our discerning clientele. Entrust yourself to the skilled hands of our experienced Beauty Consultants and emerge feeling transformed and empowered, exuding a newfound radiance that is uniquely your own.


Signature Customized Facial

Signature Customized Facial

$$280 (75 mins)

Crafting a bespoke blend of treatments expertly crafted to address a variety of concerns, ensuring that every complexion receives the individualized care it deserves.

Deep Purifying Facial

Deep Purifying Facial

$210 (60 mins)

Specially formulated to rejuvenate, this treatment targets impurities, unclogs pores, and removes excess oil, leaving your skin refreshed, clarified, and visibly clearer.

Hydration Infusion Facial

Hydration Infusion Facial

$210 (60 mins)

Immerse yourself in a deeply nourishing treatment crafted to provide intense hydration to parched skin, unveiling a supple and dewy complexion

Radiance Boost Facial

Radiance Boost Facial

$$380 (80 mins)

This specialized treatment targets dark spots, evens skin tone, and transforms dull complexions to reveal visibly brighter skin

Gentle Care Facial

Gentle Care Facial

$280 (75 mins)

This calming treatment is designed to reduce redness, alleviate sensitivity, and provide a gentle touch for a refreshed and harmonized complexion.

Ageless Renewal Facial

Ageless Renewal facial

$480 (90 mins)

An expertly crafted treatment tailored for mature skin. This rejuvenating experience focuses on diminishing fine lines, restoring elasticity, and promoting a nourished and youthful complexion

Teenage Renewal Facial

Teenage Renewal Facial

$135 (60 mins)

Crafted for adolescents under 16, this gentle yet potent treatment addresses young skin's unique needs, tackling issues like acne and oiliness.

Young Adult Rejuvenation Facial

Young Adult Rejuvenation Facial

$175 (60 mins)

Tailored for teens aged 17 to 20, this specialized treatment revitalizes and nourishes young adult skin, addressing congestion and uneven texture.

First Trial

First Trial

30% off

First time here? Enjoy 30% off any facial service (with a min. spending of $200) with our experienced therapists! Get 20% off our skincare products on your first visit!


Need our help?

We get it! Sometimes it's difficult to decide which is the right treatment for you. Don't worry, we are here whenever you need us!

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